I am revising this post (so as not to annoy folks who subscribed with an extra email). Making it a sticky as well.
If you’d like to contribute to the gofundme, that link is here: https://www.gofundme.com/f/support-tonis-relocation-and-rehousing?attribution_id=sl:c842e33e-b358-4be1-85ea-7cea21cbeb38&utm_campaign=man_ss_icons&utm_medium=customer&utm_source=copy_link
It is December 5th 2024 as I type this, and I am preparing the site for two things: the shift to a monetization basis, and the fact that I am likely to be homeless and working from whatever location I happen to be in.
This site will be shifting over to be a repository, and new stuff will appear on the Patreon, as I may not be able to keep this server live for long, but I shall try. It is affordable, but the overall problems with the backend need to be resolved, and that is on my list for the next two weeks. It involves a phone call, which I hate.
The Publications
is the link for the Codexalia Wyrldica,
arriving on January 7th, 2025.
The Codexalia Wyrldica is published.
I have seen this book, held this book and the preorders are only for the Kindle version — the Paperback copy, which is a huge tome, goes live on january 7th, 2025 as well.
The prices $9.99 for the Kindle (although it will also be available via Kindle Unlimited) and 29.99 for the paperback physical book.
The Codexalia and the Ancilalia will only be published works, going forward. the Incarnalia and the Canonalia are free downloads — but you have to be a member of the Patreon now to get them in their final form. The Spells, Monsters, and other things will only be available there, as well.
The Wyrlde patreon is:
The Patreon
Wyrlde has a Patreon now.
The start of preorders on the book means that it is enrolled in Kindle Unlimited, and by the terms of that, the free version of the PDF is no longer available — but if you are signed up with kindle unlimited, you’ll get it as part of that.
After I wrote this, i got a package — which contained the author’s proof for the print version. I was worried it wasn’t going to be worth the 30 bucks, but then I held it.

I think its worth it, and not because i created it. Just the sheer amount of stuff that is in there is shocking. I created it, but it was over six years, and I forgot a lot of the stuff that is in there. I mean flat out forgot. So I’m looking through it and going “who the fuck thinks of this” and then realizing “oh, shit, that was me.” Yes, I cuss that much ordinarily.
The patreon will get updates every two weeks, my personal problems being solved or not. It will also have fun little bits and pieces — my first subscriber got a custom PCR out of the deal, with a custom character and all the little files for it.
The Style, Aesthetic, and Imagery of Wyrlde
The use of AI for art is a major challenge (and I will be editing my post about that after this — you can find it here). I am a writer — I refuse to use AI to write a damn thing for me, since I can do that my damn self. But I cannot create the style and aesthetic of the art that I have finally (only been six years) settled on for the site.
If you know an inexpensive artist who can do the image video to the side there, please let me know. By inexpensive, I mean under 5 bucks each.
It comes in two forms: a 3D, Pixar and Disney influenced style, and a Flat 2D watercolor style in the same vein. Before you suggest I hire an artist, be aware that I have yet to find an artist who is working in that 3D style I like that only charges five bucks per image. I am old, nearly retired (only 5 years to go to reach 65!), and I live on a fixed income for the moment. I will go into more detail about that in the revision to the AI post, but be aware of something:
If there was no ability for me to use AI art, there would be no art, and while I would be ok with that, you all might not be. I am cursed with more knowledge of copyright law than most people — you will not find me using someone else’s art for my work unless I paid for it, for anything, free or otherwise. Because I strongly believe that artists should be paid for their work.
Credit is not payment. Ever. Legally, ethically, or morally. AI companies like ChatGPT’s owner and others may have scraped the web, but the tools I use rely on actual permissions, so I am not stealing from them. If you don’t like it, fine — I’m not here to change your mind. I like the pretty pictures, and watching them come to life makes me smile, so that’s all I need.
That all said, I am indeed slowly changing over all the images to fit this new style, and it will take a while.
Site Changes
So, the site itself is also undergoing some minor changes. I am keeping the same current layout — I like it. I am partial to the blocks with images thing. I am also fixing it so that it works with phones — this was a complaint over on reddit. There are, now, for the first time, some actual social media links in the upper right hand corner there.
They include the Patreon, the facebook, the Reddit, and the youtube. TikTok won’t let me create a “subaccount” just for Wyrlde, so I won’t include it — my tiktoks that are older are embarrassing and out of a period of mania so I am considering deleting them, but not quite yet.
The content will change as well. While I still have several other “books” to create, only the main 4 will be here: Codexalia, Incarnalia, Canonalia, and Ancilalia. The Spell book will make it here in part under the Canonalia, but it will only have the core spells of the game in it. The custom spells and other stuff like monsters and whatnot will only be available on the patreon, to make it worthwhile for people to sign up there.
So, what all is coming? Well, that’s the Ancilalia. it will be a while before it really starts to show up, but the stuff will be the rest of the Wyrlde: Space, the moon, the other planets, the continent of Kokayin and Arakayin, Panjia, the land that everything forgot, and so forth.
As I finish sections, some of it will come here — usually about 90 days after it is finished, but like the rest, this site will no longer collate them all into a single thing. I will be leaving the ability to print through the post links up — so you can assemble them yourself, of course, but generally speaking, the book as a book will only be available in print or via my patreon.
And that’s it.