
At some time in the God’s War, Antelle, Tamasin, Gallae, and Lamia joined with Chicory to ensure that no matter what, life would continue on the world, even if the insanity of the God’s War took out all the humans.

Several great Houses volunteered, with Seven Chosen Houses numbering around five thousand people total. They agreed that what they had known would be surrendered, that they would not fight in the War, that they would strive to survive and persist and endure, and that they would be part of the world forever and anon.

They went to sleep, and the humans never awoke, but the Therians did. Each House became one of the six kinds of Therian, which is the collective name for all of them. The five camps were arrayed around the Heart of Hyboria when they awoke, and the first words on all their lips were “Ahyi!”, which is why they have that as their greeting.

None of them are truly from a single kind of animal. Serpents draw from lizards and snakes yet are warm-blooded. The Vulcans draw from Fox and Wolf. Panther draws from Cats of all kinds. Swift draws from Rabbits and Bears. Harrier draws from Badgers and Racoons. Whiskers draw from weasels, mongooses, and minks.

For many years, they lived quietly, isolated from strife, exploring, and learning and trying sometimes to remember they, too, had once been something else, something different, but now it is long surrendered. During the darkest times, they turned to raiding, to scavenging, to the hardest survival they could. When they saw the scattered peoples wandering lost, with food and goods like they had never imagined, they raided them, earning an enmity that would last generations. They engaged in wars with the strange, savage, and peculiar peoples of what became Kahokia, and slowly forged a peace with them and an enduring alliance that continues even to this day, over and above that treaty with the Empire.

Each of them has a set of traits to them, and they do not all get along. Vulcans and Panthers are rarely less than utterly cold to each other, and when they aren’t it is often violent. Serpents and Whiskers are about the same. Harriers and Swifts are not fond of each other. Outside of that, they all get along and strive to have a good relationship with everyone.

All Therian originally come from Hyboria, those mysterious and barely known savage lands, but how they got to the Bright Lands is always a tale – even if they were born in it.

They are often enslaved outside the Bright Lands, and many of those Therian in the Bright lands are run-away slaves or their descendants, especially from Lemuria and Thule, where raids often go out to capture and enslave them. These often know they have a tribe but lack cultural connections to the lands and people.

They do not share that readily but will judge others negatively for assuming that their origins are from bird and beast. People should already be aware of this, as far as they are concerned. Therians are humans who have animal features, not animals who have human ones. Therians are often accused of Lycanthropy, but it is not true, and annoys them, as they are immune to lycanthropy.

Therian are a peculiar group of peoples reshaped to ensure that Life would endure regardless of the outcome of the God’s War. Collectively, they came into being knowing this was their role. They were, for most of them, not involved in the Gods War, having come to be towards the end of it and kept separate from it, though some did leave the Ranges and go forth seeking adventure – Therian love adventure. Possibly too much.


Each kind of Therian is a separate Sect, and they most typically stick to a given sect, but are not entirely limited to such.

The Seven Sects are Strider, Vulcan, Harrier, Whisker, Panther, Serpent, and Swift. The Strider Sect vanished in the Age of Myth, and every year on the Summer Solstice all Therian honor that loss with an entire hour of silence and meditation. No one knows exactly what happened, even among the Therian. They all moved out in a very short space of time and vanished. Even their nature has been lost, for the Therian did not keep decent records back then.


Therian live in Camps, essentially hyper-extended family networks derived from the origin families for each Brood.

Each kind of Therian comes from a Sect, or House, and there are only the seven sects – one of which has been lost (Strider Sect).

Therians are stunningly quick at growing up — the fastest of all the peoples. An adult Therian is ready to go at ten years of age, fully grown at three feet (five feet for Serpents), and willing to tackle the world.

Their family is always built around a common core of people, and they are known to be affectionate and to stay close when they have children. Therian from outside the Broods tend to form families of choice, “adopting” siblings and family members freely and broadly seemingly at whim – but always with a fierce sense of loyalty, protectiveness, and absolute unconditional appreciation. Enslaved Therian may be the exception; always seeking to push their children out, to set them free, to put their children before themselves at all costs – often the most ultimate of prices.

Therians have two or four children at a time, and mixed pairs will always result in children who take after one or the other, never a mix of the two. It is through this that the different Sects manage to not have a state of constant war, as the Brood of one sect may include children from a different Sect, and they have an ancient custom of only killing those who are different from them, never the same.


Therians are very high energy and seek to explore everything in their own particular ways.

Therian say both that they were given the gift of life by the Gods, and it is short so they do not waste any of it, as they have so much energy that they burn out faster than the other peoples.

Within the sects, certain things are also very common, as all of the have a slightly different take on existing.


Because of their strong collective tendency to be wise and kind to others, feminine Therian tend to be hyper sexualized and exoticized in Imperial cultures. Most Therian are ultimately considered cute by Imperial society collectively. This means that they are treated as if they were pets, or animals, or children, with people bending over to pet them without asking or even acknowledging them.

Their small stature makes it difficult for them to move around in Imperial society (everything is built for larger people), and they are often treated as children, since even their adult forms seem to possess “cute” features.


Therian are small humanoids, with marked animalistic features such as ears, tails, claws, and even skin that is derived from what they are believed to have inspired them. They appear mostly as small people, with ears, tails they don’t have conscious control over, strong nails that grow longer, and are hairier than most, with thick, fur like patches. They still have human faces, sometimes with slightly longer than typical canines, with slightly larger than normal eyes, small noses, and broad mouths.

Enraged Therian can take on a more feral aspect that seems to increase the amount of “animal in them”, and this has often led to them being accused of being or spreading lycanthropy.


Meant to survive and endure, Therian have thrived in ways that no one could have expected, and overcome inner demons that would haunt other peoples.


After one round of combat, you can make a melee attack on a creature within 5 feet of you; if you hit, you do 1d4+Str Modifier damage, and gain your action back. You can only do this 1 time per degree of mastery between long rests.

If you miss, you must make a Wisdom (animal handling) saving throw or your animal side dominates the next turn and will attack the nearest creature to you. The following round you must make a Rage DC check with your Level plus your Wisdom Modifier, or you will become feral and savage.

A Feral Therian will drop any weapons they have and will gain longer teeth and sharp claws to use as natural weapons, making a single attack each round on the nearest being.

In a Feral State, a Therian will attack anything around it until either there is nothing left standing or it is rendered unconscious or dead. Going Feral is considered extremely bad, deeply shameful, and is terrifying as an experience, as while they have lost control of themselves, their minds are still alert the whole time.




The Doom of the Plains


Camp, Blood, Brood, Sect




Zeal, Persistence, Overcoming barriers

Wealth Bonus

15 sp



33 to 48 in.




20 to 45 lbs.



100 years


Disadvantage WIsdom

Hair Colors











Eye Colors







P15182C1T166#yIS1 Harrier are concerned with basic needs and simple pleasures and have little use for ostentation. They look for the most straightforward solution to a problem and have little patience for lollygagging. Unless they are doing the lollygagging, in which case they have far more patience with it and will always have some sort of reason for it that seems perfectly natural to them.

Famed for their savagery in battle, a lot is said about the members of this Clan, not all of it flattering. From bad luck tanuki to trash panda they have heard it all and found it lacking, as they are firm believers in persistence, zeal, and overcoming barriers. Any barrier, any time.

Harrier Clan members were among the first to head into the wider world – it is an argument over who went first, the Panther or Harrier Clans – and have never stopped venturing beyond their own range. They are fascinated by new things and learning about the world and will do whatever it takes for them to survive. They are known for having the driest sense of humor in all Hyboria.

Said to come from a background of both Racoons and Badgers, Harriers are tough, hardy, capable folks whose Clan is considered one of the most dangerous in all of Hyboria. They tend towards direct confrontation, rather than the more fluid approach of their Swift or Vulcan Clanfellows.


With thick bushy tails about 18 inches long, and slightly rounded ears on high, folks think of them as cute until they see the fingernails, which are black fading into white at the tip, thick, and slightly curved. They usually have a pattern to their hair on their tails, head, and for men, beards that combines two to three colors.


You gain Advantage on any Perception rolls about your surroundings.


When faced with an obstacle to overcome physically, you have Advantage. You can do this two times between each long rest.


Harriers are insatiably curious and tend to have lower self-discipline. They have Disadvantage on Wisdom rolls.



The Silence of the Plains


Camp, Blood, Brood, Sect




Wealth Bonus

15 sp



37 to 47 in.




35 to 85 lbs.




100 years


Manic Weakness

Hair Colors






Eye Colors







P15221C1T167#yIS1 Cat Therian were the very first ones to enter the Empire and try to make their way through the realms. Because they were named Neko (a quite common name at the time in Hyboria), it became habit for most of the people to call the entire people “Nekoans.” This creates conflict at times, since it translates to “puffballs of cute” in Hyborian.

Panthers are strong – physically and in their spirit. Legend tells of a Panther Clan member who became a Paladin and faced down a Devil who had broken free of his summoning singlehandedly, refusing to give up despite being thought outmatched. He won. It cost him his life and his name, but he won.

Heavy boned, graceful, and considered the first ones to ever set foot in the Empire, the Panther Therian are a cat-like people, with a large variety of ear shapes.

Famed for their hunting prowess and their constant sense of alertness, Panthers are usually in what they call “good moods”. Smiles, laughs, and an unnerving literalness.

One odd thing about Panthers is that when they do become alerted to something,they stop, their body suddenly going into a total stillness while they analyze and decide on an action. Once they make up their mind, it is immediate. I one saw a gal stop in mid stride, leg still in the air, head swiveled to look down an alley, eyes sharp, ears twitching. Then she was gone, pursuing an alley cat.

The poor things only crime was that it yawned at her.


Long thing tails, black fingernails, thick heads of hair, tufted ears – if a person was a cat walking towards you, you would understand the seeming grace that accompanies the movement of a Panther. At three to four feet tall, one would expect them to have to navigate around others, but Panthers do not navigate around things; things navigate around them. Brightly colored, usually clad in furs, marked in different ways to show their prowess and their skill, and always, always ready for a fight, even among themselves, it is rare that one somehow misses a Panther moving along.


You have Advantage on saving throws against being frightened or surprised.


You have proficiency in and Advantage on any roll involving acrobatics.


Panther Therians who encounter catnip have Disadvantage on rolls against wisdom to avoid suffering mild madness after consuming some.

You have Weakness to Manic damage.



The Secret of the Plains


Camp, Blood, Brood, Sect




Wealth Bonus

15 sp



28 to 36 in.


Constrict, 84 to 108 full length


60 to 140 lbs.




100 years



Hair Colors






Eye Colors







Serpent Therians are small humanoids with upper thirds of a human torso and lower two thirds of a snake. Serpents, nicknamed Nagas, are concerned with basic needs and simple pleasures, and have little use for ostentation. They look for the most straightforward solution to a problem and have little patience for lollygagging. Unless they are doing the lollygagging, in which case they have far more patience with it and will always have some sort of reason for it that seems perfectly natural to them.

The Serpent Brood is quite different from many of the others in that when laid out, they are much, much larger than the others. As a result, Serpent Brood members are size M. Two thirds of a Serpent’s length is in their tail, for they move and travel and “stand” upright, using an undulating motion. Serpent Brood members are diligent but practical and intentional. They do not like to waste much time. Serpent Brood members sleep “standing up” by curling their tails beneath and around them in a coil or ball. Their dry, scaly skin (which they oil constantly) is unnerving to some.

Unnerving most folks, few are as misunderstood as the Serpent Therian, whose lack of legs causes them no end of teasing – until they wrap around the person doing the teasing.

The largest of the Therian, this is often forgotten because only a portion of their bodies comes to an “upright” position. They prefer ambush and opportunity kills in Hyboria, where they are nearly in total control of all wooded areas.


Serpents are misleading when they are thought about by many. Their languid forms, seeming youthfulness, witty natures and the way their upper body moves keeps one thinking that they are just like most therians, perhaps a bit shorter at two to three feet tall. This hides the reminder that their full size is obscured, because they are actually the largest of the therian, 84 to 108 inches in length, capable of engaging an ogre directly.

Only a third of their body is generally dealt with for most folks, a third that is always lifted when talking to others, supported by coils or the strong muscles.

Scale patterns tend towards the same ones of any snakes, with the scales being incredibly fine. They do not have fingernails or toenails, but they do have belly buttons and other elements, since they are born live. Most Serpents cover a bit more than their top third.


You can make a bonus attack on an opponent within five feet that acts as a grapple. You must target the same thing as your existing attack, and afterwords you will do continued 1d4 damage at each turn that you are engaged with that Foe.


You gain proficiency in the Contortion skill. You can fit yourself into spaces two sizes smaller than you.


Due to the strength needed to hold yourself upright, your movement speed is 20, unless you choose to move low to the ground in which case it can be a dash of 40.



The Wind of the Plains


Camp, Blood, Brood, Sect




Wealth Bonus

15 sp



30 to 42 in.




20 to 50 lbs.




100 years


Smoke Weakness

Hair Colors






Eye Colors







P15300C1T169#yIS1 The Swift Clan are noted for both their well-developed legs and their long ears that can go from hanging down at the sides of their head to standing straight up incredibly fast – sometimes before the Therian is aware of why. They can also take on a wide variety of positions that give their emotions away readily. Swift Clan members do not have a good relationship with Vulcan Clan members. More agile, nimbler, and more reactive than many, they are known for their love of the forests and trees, and for their slight builds. With small, very bushy tails, they are considered especially cute, much to their constant annoyance — because even other Clans will do it.

Said to be a peculiar mix of Bear and Rabbit, Swift Therians are notorious practical jokers and have a deep love for both solitude and laughter.

Swifts in the Empire tend to be seen as more than a little unhinged, quite possibly due to a small family that has spread out, noted for their pink coloration and their penchant for violence.


Pale of skin, light of coloring, always in motion, jittery, twitchy, ready. Bundles of somehow constrained energy that is outsized to the person containing it.

Their long ears are the most ready way to identify them, and should you come across of group of them, they will all know exactly where you are at all times, even if they aren’t seeming to pay attention – you can tell because at least one ear from all of them will be pointed at you.


Swifts have a strong constitution – they have Advantage on all Con checks.


As a bonus action, you can jump a number of feet equal to three times your Dex proficiency bonus, without provoking opportunity attacks. You can use this trait only if your speed is greater than 0.

You can use it a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.


Swifts have a Weakness to Smoke damage.



The Fang of the Plains


Camp, Blood, Brood, Sect




Wealth Bonus

15 sp



36 to 46 in.


Cold Resistance


40 to 90 lbs.




100 years


Disadvantage Persuasion

Hair Colors






Eye Colors







P15337C1T170#yIS1 Vulcan Therians often carry themselves more haughtily, having had to deal with the constant mutter of “good boy” and “good doggy” their whole lives. It is said that one of the Rituals of Proving for all members of the Vulcan Clan is to journey into the world and return with something never seen before that would benefit the Clan as a whole.

This combination of individual effort for communal achievement and growth seems to lie at the heart of even those members who have never seen Hyboria.

The Vulcan Clan does not have a good relationship with Swift Clan members. Vulcans are possibly the least “spooked” of all the Tribes.

They are also the most feared, for few things can be as terrifying as a one who goes feral. As a result, there is occasionally a move to require them to wear muzzles.

Said to be a combination of Foxes and Wolves, Vulcans are known to consider themselves the noblest of the Therian and are known for the unabating persistence they have in overcoming their foes. They get really upset when Imperials treat them like dogs.


The match to the Panthers in temperament and nature, the big difference is that Vulcans are more fox or wolf like.


You have Resistance to Cold Damage.


You gain proficiency in Tracking and Survival.


Vulcans are allergic to Chocolate and Coffee. They must save against Poison each time they consume some.

You are at a Disadvantage against Persuasion rolls.



The Hidden of the Plains


Camp, Blood, Brood, Sect




Wealth Bonus

15 sp



32 to 44 in.


Advantage Investigation


20 to 40 lbs.


Advantage Stealth


100 years


Disadvantage Poison

Hair Colors






Eye Colors







A person with long purple hair and ears

Description automatically generated Whiskers are taller, thinner, lighter, and known for a greater degree of flexibility than other Therian. They are faster than most, but not quite as quick as Swifts.

Whiskers are seen as the sneaky ones, the troublemakers, the sly and somewhat dangerous ones. They are thought to be skulkers, which they tend to resent, as they see themselves as more likely simply getting by and who is to blame them if they aren’t noticed by others?

Said to be a combination of Weasels and Mongooses, Whiskers are known to consider themselves the nimblest of the Therian and are known for the unabating curiosity they have in everything. They get really upset when Imperials treat them like rats.


Given that Whiskers are generally only noticed when they want to be, it is hard to say.


You have proficiency and Advantage on Investigation and related Perception rolls.


You gain proficiency in Stealth and have Advantage when making rolls relating to it.


Whiskers are sensitive to Poisons. You are at a Disadvantage against Poison rolls.

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