Foundations | |
Required Abilities |
Kno, Wis, Per |
Axiom |
Servant |
Affinity |
Mystical |
Spell Casting |
Wis |
Spell Attack |
Cha |
Saving Throws |
Dex, Wis, Cha |
Hit Dice |
D6 |
HP @ Lvl 1 |
Your Con Modifier + 1d6 or 4. |
HP @ Higher Lvls |
Your Con Modifier + 1d6 / Level After 1st |
“There. That’s it.” Ganelon said, pointing ahead of him.
“I don’t see anything, Proctor,” said Kenek. “ although that tree looks a little sickly.”
“Look closely There. No, there. See the way the air shimmers? See how you can feel it as it vibrates through you? That is the tear. It is a small one, like accidental instead of intentional. Perfect for your first time.”
Kenec swallowed. “Yes, Proctor.” She said as she felt her shoulders tighten with expectations placed up on her. This is what it meant to be a member of the Euphonium. To go out, to stand for what was right. And to close the rifts that let through the demonic powers that threatened the world.
Wandering about int heir strange robes and poking their noses into nearly everything, Mystics are a familiar sight within Wyrlde, even if no one quite understands where they came from or why they are there. The Adventurer’s guild recognizes them as professionals, but much as it does with others, it never says what they are professionals at doing.
They are, however, usually found in groups of 1 to 4 and they are all over the place, traveling often, curious about legends, folklore, tales, and visitations. They seem to have a network of people that they engage with, and they get along well with messengers, which is strange given those people are not known for being right in the head (although the folks who write the letters certain are.)
Mystics are absolutely mags, however, and while they are not known for their ability to throw spells about, they absolutely can and do, and with a facility that is close to if not equal to a Wizard.
But the scariest thing about Mystics is that they use mana itself. As attacks, as weapons, as defenses, and they have the uncanny ability to detect the mana of others – which often leads to them being accused of being Urmages.
Proficiencies | |
Skills (Pick 2) |
Block, Culture, History, Nature, Medicine, Husbandry, Tracking, Insight, Survival, Distract, Dilomacy, Mysticsm, Riding, Piloting. |
Spell Proficiency |
Simple, Rudimentary, Intermediate, Advanced, Expert |
Armor Training |
Standard |
Weapon Training |
Simple, Common |
Mystics are sort of the handifolk of the dimensional world, working to seal rifts and combat dimensional threats. They are part of a series of secretive societies, and practice strange arts. No one quite understands what it that Mystics do; other than Mystics, of course.
What is known is that they are absolute masters of Mana itself, and that they are able to do the incredible and stunning task of closing off the gateways, tears, rips, and rifts in the veil that separate us from the other dimensions.
Mystics can sense a rift or an opening within a mile They don’t always know exactly where it is, but they know the general direction and they can sense them – though not always where they lead, or who created them.
Offensive Mana
The use of Mana for offensive purposes.
At 1st Level, you can create a Manablade, which is derived from a special hilt that you must fashion yourself, requiring a week in a Mystic’s Workshop (in a guild) and the use of a calcifer. A Manablade is an energy weapon that only effects living or recently living material (such as wood) and has the same stats otherwise as a longsword except for damage: a Manablade can do as much damage as the wielder puts mana into it. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus between short rests.
At 5th Level, you can create a Manablast, which is an energy discharge of manic power that does damage and can knock back a target your Mana score in feet unless they save versus your Spell Attack. A Manablast causes as much damage as a wielder puts mana into it. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus between short rests.
Note: It is key that there is a limit to the amount of Mana a person can use in a single effort without having to deal with fatigue.
At 13th Level, you can create a second Manabalde.
At 17th Level, you can split your Manablast into up to your Proficiency bonus in number, though the total damage is still considered a single use.
Defensive mana
The use of Mana for defensive purposes.
At 1st Level, you can create a Manaskin, which is a personal protective energy barrier that grants a set number of hit points equal to the amount of mana put into the skin. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus between short rests.
At 5th Level, you can create a Manashield, which is up to 3 feet wide and 6 feet tall per Level of the caster and can withstand an amount of damage equal to the amount of mana above that you put into it before breaking. Fractions carry over to those being protected. You can only create one shield at a time. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus between short rests.
At 9th Level, you can apply a Manaskin to a person that you touch. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus between long rests.
At 13th Level, you can create more than one Manashield at a time. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus between long rests.
At 17th Level, you can create a shield and a skin at half the cost. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus between long rests.
Physical Mana
The use of Mana to empower and communicate.
At 1st Level, you can boost any single ability score except Mana by one point in exchange for 5 points of mana. This lasts one round. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus between short rests.
At 5th Level, you can increase your movement speed by 3’ per point of Mana you put into it for one round. You can use this feature a number of time equal to your proficiency bonus between short rests.
At 9th Level, you can connect with a willing person through mana directly, and know where they are in relation to you. This connection lasts until you dismiss it. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus between short rests.
At 13th Level, you can use your connection with a person to speak to them over a distance of Miles equal to your level. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus between long rests.
At 17th Level, you use your connection to someone to see the world around them, in shades of violet and indigo, regardless of the light available in their location. You will appear there as an intangible, translucent form of yourself, though only the person you are connected to can hear or see you. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus between long rests.
Mana Knowledge
The detection and understanding of Mana.
At 1st Level, you can detect a person’s Mana.
At 5th Level, you can detect a spell being cast.
At 9th Level, you can detect when a spell is active.
At 13th Level, you can detect if a spell was used within a day.
At 17th Level, you can detect if a spell was used within a week, as well as the mana score of the person who cast it.
All of these can be reach a given number of feet equal to your level, and be performed a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus between short rests.
Starting Gear | |
Gear |
Small Backpack, Tinderbox, Large Sack, 30’ Rope, Waterskin |
Tools or Kit |
Pick any two craftng. |
Focus |
Robe, Crown, or Gloves |
Armor |
1 standard |
Weaponry |
1 Melee, 1 Ranged from Simple or Common |
Wealth Bonus |
25 |
The apprenticeship for a Mystic is done with a Proctor. Only mystics know what a Proctor is, but they are taught in groups of three, and they are called Initiates. The training to become a Mystic is at least three years long to start, followed by at least to years accompanying another Mystic around the world as they refine their sense of rifts and their use of Mana.
Like many Mystical sorts, Mystics are often finding themselves in the realm of troubleshooting, of solving problem, and of overcoming challenges that others find somewhat difficult to understand or deal with. Mystics are usually very sheltered when they finally strike out on their own, and they must continue to learn to use their abilities, as they rely very heavily upon them in the general course of their day. The biggest oddity to them is that they are dedicated to combatting Dimensional incursion – and they are fearless when facing Denizens, no matter who they are or what they are. They are just as likely to face off with a Valkyrie as they are a Hag, and offer the same basic choice to both: go away, or else.
Mystic Orders are only usable with their Manablade.
At 1st Level, you can learn 1 First Order.
At 5th Level, you can learn 1 First Order.
At 9th Level, you can learn 1 First Order.
At 13th Level, you can learn 1 First Order.
At 17th Level, you can learn 1 Second Order.
At 3rd Level, you can choose one aspect from the Postulant list.
At 7th Level, you can choose one aspect from the Initiate list, or one aspect from the Postulant list.
At 11th Level you can choose one aspect from the Member list, or one aspect from the Initiate list, or one aspect from the Postulant list.
At 15th Level you can choose one aspect from the Hieros list, or one aspect from the Member list, or one aspect from the Initiate list, or one aspect from the Postulant list.
At 19th Level you can choose one aspect from the Alumni list, or one aspect from the Hieros list, or one aspect from the Member list, or one aspect from the Initiate list, or one aspect from the Postulant list.
At 4th Level, you can choose one Dedicated Maxim.
At 8th Level you can choose one Persistent Maxim or one Dedicated Maxim.
At 12th Level you can choose one Zealous Maxim or one Persistent Maxim or one Dedicated Maxim.
At 16th Level you can choose one Unyielding Maxim or one Zealous Maxim or one Persistent Maxim or one Dedicated Maxim.
At 20th Level you can choose one Absolutist Maxim or one Unyielding Maxim or one Zealous Maxim or one Persistent Maxim or one Dedicated Maxim.
At 2nd Level, you are able to use your understanding of the warp and weft of the veil to repair dimensional rifts. Rifts have a DC and a mana cost to close. These values are determined by the DM, but you can use your Mana Knowledge to attempt to discern what those costs and difficulty are before you try. To close a rift, you must expend the necessary mana and successful roll against the DC of the rift. You can add your Proficiency bonus to your roll. Failing a check still costs the Mana, and adds a point of Fatigue.. Closing a rift takes ten minutes multiplied by the DC of the Rift. You can attempt to close a rifts a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus between long rests.
A rift’s DC is 5 plus the level of the spell caster who created it (or 5 plus the CR of the creature). The rift creator’s proficiency bonus is applied to that DC as well. The cost to close a rift is equal to the DC of the Rift.
A common example is a Fairy ring, created by the Denizens of the Feywilde. Fairy rings are usually about a DC of 12 and have a cost of around 12 Mana points to close.
At 6th Level, you can choose one aspect from the Postulant list.
At 10th Level, you can add your Wisdom Modifier to your roll.
At 14th Level, you can choose one aspect from the Initiate list, or one aspect from the Postulant list.
At 18th Level, you can choose one aspect from the Member list, or one aspect from the Initiate list, or one aspect from the Postulant list.
Affinity |
Axiom |
Cipher |
Manifestation |
Orgone |
Mystical |
Servant |
![]() |
Whirlwind |
Mojo |
Affinity Score |
Axiom Score |
Spell |
Spell Book |
Focal |
Cha |
Wis |
Juju |
Nomicon |
Robe, Gloves, Crown |
Spell Level |
Spell Point Cost |
Actions to Cast |
Cantrips / 0 |
1 |
1 |
1 Level Spells |
3 |
1 |
2 Level Spells |
5 |
2 |
3 Level Spells |
8 |
2 |
4 Level Spells |
12 |
3 |
5 Level Spells |
14 |
3 |
6 Level Spells |
17 |
4 |
7 Level Spells |
19 |
4 |
8 Level Spells |
21 |
5 |
9 Level Spells |
25 |
5 |
At 1st Level, you gain 1 Simple Mystery.
At 5th Level, you gain 1 Rudimentary Mystery, or 1 Simple Mystery.
At 9th Level, you gain 1 Intermediate Mystery, or 1 Rudimentary Mystery, or 2 Simple Mysteries.
At 13th Level, you gain 1 Advanced Mystery, or 1 Intermediate Mystery, or 2 Rudimentary Mysteries, or 2 Simple Mysteries.
At 17th Level, you gain 1 Expert Mystery, or 1 Advanced Mystery, or 2 Intermediate Mysteries, or 2 Rudimentary Mysteries, or 3 Simple Mysteries.
Mana Stored & Spells Per Level
Complexity -> |
Mana Stored |
Simple |
Rudimentary |
Intermediate |
Advanced |
Expert | ||||||
Mastery |
Level |
Cantrip |
1st Level |
2nd Level |
3rd Level |
4th Level |
5th Level |
6th Level |
7th Level |
8th Level |
9th Level | |
Novice |
1 |
10 |
3 | |||||||||
2 |
20 |
4 |
1 | |||||||||
3 |
30 |
4 |
1 | |||||||||
4 |
40 |
4 |
2 |
1 | ||||||||
Yeoman |
5 |
50 |
5 |
2 |
1 | |||||||
6 |
60 |
5 |
3 |
2 |
1 | |||||||
7 |
70 |
5 |
3 |
2 |
1 | |||||||
8 |
80 |
6 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 | ||||||
Adept |
9 |
90 |
6 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 | |||||
10 |
100 |
6 |
5 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 | |||||
11 |
110 |
7 |
5 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 | |||||
12 |
120 |
7 |
6 |
5 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 | ||||
Master |
13 |
130 |
7 |
6 |
5 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 | |||
14 |
140 |
8 |
7 |
6 |
5 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 | |||
15 |
150 |
8 |
7 |
6 |
5 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 | |||
16 |
160 |
8 |
8 |
7 |
6 |
5 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 | ||
Grand Master |
17 |
170 |
9 |
8 |
7 |
6 |
5 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 | |
18 |
180 |
9 |
9 |
8 |
7 |
6 |
5 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 | |
19 |
190 |
10 |
9 |
8 |
7 |
6 |
5 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 | |
20 |
200 |
10 |
10 |
9 |
8 |
7 |
6 |
5 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
At 2nd Level, you gain 2 proficiency slots.
At 6th Level, you gain 2 proficiency slots.
At 10th Level, you gain 3 proficiency slots.
At 14th Level, you gain 2 proficiency slots.
At 18th Level, you gain 2 proficiency slots.
Ability Score Increases
At 3rd Level, You gain 2 points.
At 7th Level, You gain 2 points.
At 11th Level, You gain 3 points.
At 15th Level, You gain 2 points.
At 19th Level, You gain 1 point.
Leveling Table
Level |
Mastery |
Prof Bonus |
Skill |
Forte |
Maxims |
Precepts |
Mysteries |
Orders |
Esoterica |
1 |
Novice |
0 |
Yes |
Simple |
First | |||||
2 |
0 |
Yes |
Yes | |||||||
3 |
0 |
Yes |
Yes | |||||||
4 |
+1 |
Yes |
Rudiments | |||||||
5 |
Yeoman / Doyen |
+1 |
Yes |
Second | ||||||
6 |
+1 |
Yes |
Yes | |||||||
7 |
+1 |
Yes |
Yes | |||||||
8 |
+2 |
Yes |
Medial | |||||||
9 |
Adept |
+2 |
Yes |
Third | ||||||
10 |
+2 |
Yes |
Yes | |||||||
11 |
+2 |
Yes |
Yes | |||||||
12 |
+3 |
Yes |
Advanced | |||||||
13 |
Master |
+3 |
Yes |
Fourth | ||||||
14 |
+3 |
Yes |
Yes | |||||||
15 |
+3 |
Yes |
Yes | |||||||
16 |
+4 |
Yes |
Expert | |||||||
17 |
Grand Master |
+4 |
Yes |
Fifth | ||||||
18 |
+4 |
Yes |
Yes | |||||||
19 |
+4 |
Yes |
Yes | |||||||
20 |
+5 |
Yes |