Characteristics (Ideals)
Idealized characters have certain common traits. Here we will list them out for Women, Men, and Enbies.
Benevolent | Kind | Gentle | Caring | Warm |
Empathic | Helpful | Compassionate | Collaborative | Cooperative |
Humble | Honest | Faithful | Respectful | Patient |
Charitable | Honorable | Generous | Supportive | Moneywise |
Disciplined | Intelligent | Cunning | Well Informed | Organized |
Resilient | Enduring | Suffering | Understanding | Self-Sacrificing |
Dedicated | Courageous | Devoted | Noble Character | Virtuous |
Tender | Affectionate | Sensitive | Expressive | Sweet |
Poised | Decorous | Graceful | Modest | Peacemaker |
Pure | Charismatic | Moral | Semi-Divine |
Affectionate, Benevolent, Caring, Charismatic, Charitable, Collaborative, Compassionate, Cooperative, Courageous, Cunning, Decorous, Dedicated, Devoted, Disciplined, Empathic, Enduring, Expressive, Faithful, Generous, Gentle, Gossipy, Graceful, Helpful, Honest, Honorable, Humble, Intelligent, Kind, Modest, Moneywise, Moral, Noble Character, Organized, Patient, Peacemaker, Poised, Pure, Resilient, Respectful, Self-Sacrificing, Semi-Divine, Sensitive, Suffering, Supportive, Sweet, Tender, Understanding, Virtuous, Warm
Alert | Ambitious | Brave | Collaborative | Compassionate |
Cooperative | Courageous | Creative | Dependable | Devoted |
Diligent | Direct | Disciplined | Earnest | Empathic |
Endearing | Enduring | Ethical | Expressive | Fair |
Generous | Gentle | Graceful | Helpful | Honest |
Honorable | Imaginative | Impartial | Intelligent | Just |
Kind | Knowledgeable | Loyal | Modest | Patient |
Perceptive | Prudent | Reliable | Resilient | Resolute |
Respectful | Responsible | Self-Disciplined | Supportive | Tactful |
Truthful | Understanding | Vigilant | Virtuous |
Alert, Ambitious, Brave, Collaborative, Compassionate, Cooperative, Courageous, Creative, Dependable, Devoted, Diligent, Direct, Disciplined, Earnest, Empathic, Endearing, Enduring, Ethical, Expressive, Fair, Generous, Gentle, Graceful, Helpful, Honest, Honorable, Imaginative, Impartial, Intelligent, Just, Kind, Knowledgeable, Loyal, Modest, Patient, Perceptive, Prudent, Reliable, Resilient, Resolute, Respectful, Responsible, Self-Disciplined, Supportive, Tactful, Truthful, Understanding, Vigilant, Virtuous
Responsible | Kind | Honorable | Truthful | Dutiful |
Caring | Defender | Leader | Follower | Loyalty |
Self-Disciplined | Direct | Tactful | Enthusiastic | Diligent |
Acumen | Sound Judgment | Earnestness | Fairness | Just |
Impartial | Imaginative | Creative | Has Initiative | Mellow |
Reliability | Dependability | Decisive | Resolute | Persevering |
Brave | Upright | Courageous | Charismatic | Enduring |
Mannered | Alert | Vigilant | Perceptive | Patient |
Cheerful | Witty | Balanced | Prudent | Bold |
Ambitious | Knowledgeable | Instructive | Modeler |
Acumen, Alert, Ambitious, Balanced, Bold, Brave, Caring, Charismatic, Cheerful, Courageous, Creative, Decisive, Defender, Dependability, Diligent, Direct, Dutiful, Earnestness, Enduring, Enthusiastic, Fairness, Follower, Has Initiative, Honorable, Imaginative, Impartial, Instructive, Just, Kind, Knowledgeable, Leader, Loyalty, Mannered, Mellow, Modeler, Patient, Perceptive, Persevering, Prudent, Reliability, Resolute, Responsible, Self-Disciplined, Sound Judgment, Tactful, Truthful, Upright, Vigilant, Witty